
Find out about the latest product developments, news from our company
and current trends and topics relating to intralogistics.

XXL Compact Storage System: SMB and Asklepios revolutionize the supply of medical devices

Fully automated warehouse with 21,000 pallet spaces on 16,000 sqm - the largest logistics center for medical products in Germany!

Übersicht über ein automatisches Palettenlager

5 Tips for Warehouse Optimization

The warehouse area is the heart of many companies - this is where products are professionally managed, checked and digitally recorded.

SMB Messestand auf der Fachpack 2021

Crowd favorite "SHARK" impresses trade fair visitors

SMB International GmbH can look back on a successful appearance at this year's FACHPACK in Nuremberg.

Elekrotechniker diagnostiziert Problem am Schaltschrank

On the Special Path into the Future

SMB International GmbH is a good choice for specialists from near and far and will continue to expand its team in 2021.

Mehrere Leergebinde werden auf Paletten teilautomatisiert befüllt

Available at Short Notice: Filling Systems for Disinfectants

With the mobile and semi-automatic filling system, SMB International offers the possibility of filling different quantities in an uncomplicated…

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