SMB Compact Storage System

Truck shuttle storage system with multi-movement

Powerful and Reliable

Our compact storage system ensures that all goods are always quickly to hand, fully automatically.

SMB Compact Storage System is a special channel storage system for a wide variety of load carriers or pallet types. It is based on the principle of the channel storage system, so that several pallets can be stored one behind the other in a channel. One or two Truck Shuttle Systems can be used on each level to enable simultaneous storage, transfer and retrieval of pallets.

Our truck shuttles can access the pallets from all sides, lift them out and position them elsewhere. Redundant storage ensures that pallets of the same batch are distributed across several levels, thus guaranteeing secure access at all times.

The inventory module integrated into the control software enables perpetual inventory of all goods.

Video: SMB Compact Storage System

Implementation of the Compact Storage System at the leading manufacturer in the plastics processing industry in Lohne

Discover more about our compact storage system. You’ll find all the details concisely presented in our product sheet.

Compact Storage System Product Sheet

Product Information

  • Redundant level storage is possible, as are storage and retrieval lines
  • Storage and retrieval speeds of up to 220 pallets per hour with two lifts
  • Up to 30 cycles per hour per storage level with the pallet shuttle
  • Up to 110 cycles per hour per vertical conveyors
  • Pallet warehouse suitable for freezing down to -30°C
  • Only 0.11 kWh power required
  • 1-2 Truck Shuttle Systems on each storage level
  • Reliable 24/7 operation
  • Compatible with various fire protection/prevention systems
Palettenlager mit Fahrschiene

Components of SMB Compact Storage System

Our high-performance channel storage system with Truck Shuttle System consists of the following components in the basic version:

  • Storage: mechanical loading station, electric pallet centering, Scanner or camera system with corner control, electronic scales for weight control, n.i.O. discharge
  • Vertical conveyor: storage (several positions around the storage possible)
  • Pallet warehouse: steel construction, designed as a compact storage system or high bay warehouse
  • Trucks at each storage level: distribution trucks with double lifting system can each perform up to 50 pallet movements, energy requirement per pallet at approx. under 0.11 k
  • pallet shuttles – integrated into each truck at the storage level (Truck Shuttle System), each transport up to 1500 kg pallet weight
  • re-storage locations and buffer locations at each storage level
  • vertical conveyor: retrieval (several positions around the warehouse possible

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