Press portal

Would you like to find out more about SMB International? You can find comprehensive information and details on our press portal.

Press releases

In our press releases we inform you about current developments and details about our company as well as product and market developments.

Neue Geschäftsführer von SMB International

SMB International expands Management

On September 1, 2021, SMB International GmbH will have a dual leadership team.

Schiffsbelader am Hafen von Danzig

Complex Ship Loading Project in the Port of Gdansk

New logistics solution from SMB International

Papierlagerung auf Paletten

Warehouse Logistics Rethought

SMB International is developing and constructing a new central warehouse for copy paper on behalf of Steinbeis Papier GmbH in Glückstadt.

Baubeginn neues Zentrallager für Asklepios

State-of-the-art Compact Storage System for Asklepios

A fully automated central warehouse covering over 65,000 square meters is being built in Bad Oldesloe, which will supply around 150 Asklepios clinics…

Press review

Here you will find an overview of the articles that have been published about SMB International in various publications over the past few years.


Lena David 
Format Communications Consultants GmbH

+49 40 2841 895 20

+49 4106-123 880
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